Visiting a new church can be overwhelming but knowing what to expect can make things easier. At St. Mary’s, we are a community centered on Jesus. Everyone is welcome, no matter who you are or where you are on your spiritual journey. Worship with us and experience the love of God firsthand!
Taking the Next Step – Join Our Community
At some point you may wish to officially join Saint Mary’s Church. This is a significant step on a journey of faith as it brings you into fellowship with fellow pilgrims and fosters a community that provides a safe place to ask questions and listen for the voice of God. We hope all who consider Saint Mary’s their spiritual home will make a formal commitment and become a member. We most sincerely welcome every individual into our community without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender identity, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or previous religious affiliation. Learn more about becoming a member here.
- Worship
- Saturday/Sunday Services – Join us on Saturdays at 5pm, or on Sunday mornings at 8am or 10am. Saturday evening services include a Taizé service on the first Saturday of the month. Sunday 8am service is a more contemplative service without music. Our 10am service features the St. Mary’s Choir and a sung liturgy.
- Taizé – On the first Saturday of each month, St. Mary’s hosts a Taizé Eucharist at 5:00 p.m. This peaceful, meditative service follows the style of worship from the Taizé community in France. It features simple chants, silence, and moments of reflection, offering a time for deep prayer and connection with God.
- The first Sunday of the month we hold our Children’s Church during the 10am service. Children’s Church is offered for children ages 5 to 12 years during the school year. The goal is learning, fun and friendship. The lessons are taken from the Godly Play curriculum which is appropriate for all ages. It is lead by a volunteer group of teachers.
- Thursday Books and Breakfast starts with a Eucharist service. Learn more about the Thursday Books and Breakfast.
- Music is an integral part of life at St. Mary’s. Not only is it a central vehicle for the praise of God, but it binds us as a community as well. Our parish choir is made up of dedicated people who are enthusiastic about the role music plays both in their personal lives of faith, and in the weekly experience of our congregants. Learn more about our St. Mary’s choir.
- Plan Your Visit
- Parking – Located at 3055 Main Street in Barnstable Village, St. Mary’s offers easy parking for your visit. Additional parking is available across the street at the Sturgis Library.
- Welcome – After parking, enter by one of two main entries: the red front door facing Main Street or the double doors off the u-shaped driveway.
- Worship – Our ushers will help you find a seat and make sure you have a worship bulletin.
- After the service-
- Find our Welcome Table at the back of the sanctuary for lots of information about us.
- Join us in the parish hall downstairs for coffee and fellowship. We’d love to get to know you!