Please answer the questions below to begin exploring where you might enjoy serving.
Do you enjoy baking, cooking, or hosting parties?
- Visit our Hospitality Page for information about parish events.
Do you have a passion for the environment or working in the garden?
- Visit our Buildings and Gardens page to learn about how you can help at a monthly Garden Work Party.
- Visit our Creation Care page to learn more about environmental initiatives.
Do you like to visit with people who are sick or lonely?
- Visit our Pastoral Care page to learn more about our Friendship Ministers and Pastoral Care Team.
Do you like office work like answering phones and editing newsletters?
- Contact our parish administrator and she will be HAPPY to put you to work!
Do you want to sing, serve during services, or prepare the altar?
- Visit our Music page to learn about our choirs.
- Visit our Liturgical Participants page to learn about ushers, readers, lay eucharistic ministers, and altar guild. Some training may be required.
Do you enjoy working with children? (current CORI required)
- Visit our Children and Youth Ministry pages to learn about teaching Sunday school or working with our Youth Groups.
Do you want to deepen your faith and/or help others learn about faith?
- Visit our Adult Formation page and please contact us with any ideas!