When we look back on our lives, we think of those people and places that have meant the most to us. Has Saint Mary’s Church been such a place for you? Has this community of grace and its people nurtured your soul? Would you like to assure that the ministries of our Church which proclaim the love of God in Jesus Christ in word and deed continue for future generations? If so, please consider joining the 1891 Society and becoming a legacy donor. Thank you.

The 1891 Society Steering Committee

Thank you for considering a legacy gift. If you have already included Saint Mary’s Church, Barnstable, in your estate plans, please let us know so that we may THANK YOU properly and include you in the 1891 Society. If you are interested in learning more about how to make a legacy gift, or if you would like to have a confidential discussion about opportunities to give to Saint Mary’s Church, please feel free to contact Linda Gadkowski at 508.292.5500 or lgadkows@capecod.net


3055 Main Street

PO Box 395

Barnstable Village, MA 02630


Your legacy gift will Empower and sustain us.

Your gift will empower future generations at Saint Mary’s to make visible the extraordinary light that comes from God. Our endowment helps support Saint Mary’s community outreach, contribute to key programs and protect the church from adverse financial circumstances.

Ways to make a legacy gift:

  • Outright gift.
  • Bequest in your will.
  • Insurance policy may be donated or Saint Mary’s named an beneficiary.
  • Retirement Plan Assets or IRAs may list Saint Mary’s as a beneficiary.
  • Appreciated stocks, bonds, real estate.

Creating a beneficiary designation is easy to do. Contact your financial adviser or agent.

They can provide you with a one-page beneficiary form. Upon your death, the money will bypass probate and go directly to Saint Mary’s.


What are the benefits of charitable giving?

First and foremost, it’s the satisfaction we gain from knowing that we can help provide spiritual strength and comfort to future generations of Saint Mary’s Church. This satisfaction comes from the joy of creating a legacy that will continue to do God’s work on earth even after we are long departed. There are also practical benefits including possible tax benefits.


My estate will be small. Should I still consider planned giving?

Yes! No gift is ever too small. Every gift is celebrated because it’s our generous hearts that matter most – remember the widow’s mite? Examples abound of small bequests building over time into a substantial endowment.

What are the next steps?

  • Pray about how God would direct the stewardship of your
  • If appropriate, speak to your financial adviser or
  • Fill out the Response Form and return it to the church
  • Contact a member of the Legacy Giving

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Linda Gadkowski at 508.292.5500 or lgadkows@capecod.net

And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything,

you may share abundantly in every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:8


 Link to Response Form