Adult Formation Offerings at St. Mary’s

Adult Forums, Sundays 11:30 am – 12:30 pm in Walden Hall

Throughout the year, we offer adult formation opportunities on Sundays after the 10:00 am service. Join us in Walden Hall for light refreshments and the chance to connect more deeply with God, each other, and the needs of the community. Recent topics have included forgiveness, Celtic spirituality, understanding our worship practices, politics in contemporary society, funeral planning, coping with loneliness, and Reiki and healing prayer.

Thursday Breakfast Group, Every Thursday 8:30am – 10:00am in St. James Room

Thursday Breakfast Group meets each Thursday morning to feed both body and soul. The group meets at 8:30am for Eucharist in the church, followed by breakfast and conversation in the St. James Room. Discussions are wide-ranging and may touch on the lectionary readings for the week, current events, or books on a wide variety of subjects relating to faith and the Christian life. Members of the group take turns providing breakfast, and the group adjourns at 10 am. This group began as a Lenten study program more than 30 years ago, and is still going strong. All are welcome! Contact: The Rev. Scott Bellows, Interim Priest

Men’s Group, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 7:30am – 9:00am in St. James Room

The Men’s Group meets two Tuesdays a month for Eucharist, breakfast, and discussion. Our conversation centers on a variety of topics – current events, books and videos on a wide range of subjects relating to faith and living as Christians in the world – as well as getting to know one another. The men of Saint Mary’s have been meeting for more than 35 years, and welcome new attendees, those who can come each time and those who drop in from time to time. Contact: The Rev. Dr. Russ Norris, Associate Pastor.

Bible Study, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 10:00am – 11:30am in the St. James Room

The Bible Study Group meets via Zoom every Wednesday for a lively discussion of scripture. Newcomers to the group are welcome at any time, and no prior knowledge is assumed. Please bring a Bible – an NSRV study bible such as the Harper Collins Study Bible, the New International Study Bible, or the New Oxford Annotated Bible is recommended. Contact: Rebecca Scott, facilitator

St. Mary’s Grief Group,  Fridays at 1:00pm in the St. James Room

Saint Mary’s Grief Group meets weekly on Fridays. Contact: Cay Hartley

Education for Ministry (EfM)

Education for Ministry is a program sponsored by the Beecken Center at the School of Theology at Sewanee, University of the South (an Episcopal seminary). EfM is a four-year program taking participants through the Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, and Philosophy and Theology. Participants make a commitment of one year at a time. Mentors, Amy Crocker and Bernie Winthrop, facilitate each person’s spiritual growth through looking at how personal faith intersects with development of community in the church, the wider community, and the world. The format is reflection on readings, group discussion, and worship. The program runs from September through early June. For more information, to try EfM or if you have any questions, please contact email us at